Multa Fidrus | The Jakarta Post | Tangerang
The arrest was witnessed by Denny Indrayana, deputy minster of Justice and Human Rights who all at once inspected the prison at about 1 .a.m.
Benny Mamoto, BNN’s director for hunting and prosecution said Jafad was picked from his cell to be questioned at BNN office because Hamed was nabbed while talking to him by phone.
He said Hamed was arrested while making drug transaction with an Indonesian identified as Iyus, 35, at a fastfood restaurant in Senayan. Officers seized 3 kilograms crystal methamphetamine from both as evidence.
“In initial questioning, Hamed had testified that it was Jafad who controls the drug transaction from behin the bars and therefore we need to develop the case by examining him for further case development,” he said.
Meanwhile, Denny Indrayana said international drug syndicate had conditioned prisons as the safest place to control drug transactions and distribution in the country and he mentioned Jafad as an example of evidence.
He said that none of inmates is allowed to hold cellular phones while serving punishment in prison but the fact showed that many drug convicts could easily comminicate through cellular phones from behind the bars to control drug transactions.
He believed that Jafad is one of drug convicts who had masterminded drug distribution and transactions activities across the country.
Denny promised to take stern measures against prison officers who are proven to facilitate or help pave the way for inmates to have cellular phones.
He said the ministry had purposely cooperated with BNN in effort to severe the chain of drug link between inmates and outsiders.
However, the BNN agents failed to reach a target when picking up Jafad from the cell as they could only found a CDMA phones with a number of phone cards, not a GSM phone as Jafad used when cominicating with Hamed.
Warden Kunto Wiryanto admitted that inmates could easily hold cellular phones in the prison despite regular raids.
“Inmates could have cellular phone from visitors or with the assistance of prison officers who betrayed the institution,” he said.
He said in a recent raids held in the prison, officers confiscated 24 cellular phones from inmates and it was unclear how they got them.
He defended that the Youth Penitentiary is home to 2096 inmates while the total capacity of the prison is only for 800 inmates. 69 percent of the total nimates are serving jail punishment for drug cases.
“There are only four groups consisting of 21 officers who alternately control the inmates. We have repeatedly requested additonal officers but to no avail,” he said.
Kunto said that Jafad had served 2 years of a 5-year jail punhisment for drug offense in the prion while his wife Sonia is also serving jail setence at the Tangerang Woman Penitentiary.
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